All PhD Series
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Sewers, Ponds, and Gardens

Bodenpolitik und gewollter Leerstand

Institutional harmonization for energy transition

Towards a Relational Heritage Approach: Fostering Community- Heritage Engagement

Flooded with Expectations

Flood Risk Mapping for All

Planning for Energy Transition

Rethinking Floodlabel

(How) do flood-prone cities build resilience?

Enhancing urban and infrastructure resilience

Transitioning the Transport and Land-use system

Planning the Port City

The Art of Governing in the Complex Mobility Transition

Living Cities: Reconnecting Environmental Health and Urban Planning

Policy Design and Infrastructure Planning

Waterways ? Ways of Value

Attracting visitors to ancient neighbourhoods

City-Airport Hamburg

De Herbestemming van de Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie

De situationele benadering

Flood Resilience: a Co-Evolutionary Approach

Leisuring Landscapes

Self-organizing urban transformation and its institutional implications

Planning Strategies in an Age of Active Citizenship