What is InPlanning?
The academic publishing platform for Spatial Planning, focused on the Netherlands and Belgium
Featured Publications
Latest 4 publications available on this platform
Plandag 2024: Storm en Stilte. Bijdragen aan de PlanDag 2024

A paradoxical transition of citizen participation in housing developments

From Fast Forward to Past Forward. The importance of a heritage-based planning approach in tackling drought and water scarcity in the sandy areas of the Netherlands

Involving Local Residents in Decision-Making Processes: Urban regeneration in multicultural neighbourhoods

Essay Series Transitions in Planning
Latest 4 Transitions in Planning essays available on this platform
From Fast Forward to Past Forward. The importance of a heritage-based planning approach in tackling drought and water scarcity in the sandy areas of the Netherlands

The art of muddling through; spatial planning conditions for citizen energy communities

Involving Local Residents in Decision-Making Processes: Urban regeneration in multicultural neighbourhoods

Without vision no transition: exploring the potential of planning design studios

PhD Series
Latest 4 PhD theses available on this platform
Sewers, Ponds, and Gardens

Bodenpolitik und gewollter Leerstand

Institutional harmonization for energy transition

Towards a Relational Heritage Approach: Fostering Community- Heritage Engagement

Newest Books
Latest 4 books available on this platform
Plandag 2024: Storm en Stilte. Bijdragen aan de PlanDag 2024

Nooit of NU!

Breek uit de BUBBEL

Crafting strategies for sustainable local development

Environment & Planning Act
Latest 4 Environment & Planning Act publications available on this platform
Omgevingswet, Het samenspel tussen overheden

Succesfactoren voor de projectontwikkeling van circulair vastgoed

Accommodating a citizen-led energy transition?

De Omgevingswet, een intensivering van de samenwerking?

Featured Journal Issues
Selection of partner journal issues on this platform

